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The Charter School Connection Podcast

Welcome to the podcast that interviews leaders in the world of charter schools to help share knowledge, experience and insights that can help further the success of schools everywhere! Please enjoy!


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How Kindergarten prepared John Keelin to be a middle school principal that empowers project managers and scholars.

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The importance of understanding and listening to teachers and staff for a successful school.

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STEM Education in Charter Schools

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How a grassroots approach to education is blessing the lives of children in the community of Muncie, Indiana.

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#32 Flint Cultural Center Academy | Eric Lieske

From being a substitute kindergarten teacher to the CEO of Flint Cultural Center Academy, Eric gives us insight into how he strives to make an impact in the lives of students.

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#30 Constructor Tech | Christian Voegeli

Christian originally set out to create a software to help a young boy with Dyslexia learn to read. Since then, the technology at Constructor has helps children all over the world to succeed.

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#28 Bright Beginnings School | Amanda Patrie

Running a charter school never gets easier, but you can become stronger and more skilled. Isolation can be difficult, but can be over come by connecting with others and fostering relationships.

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#26 Enrollment Boosting Insights | Charter School Leadership Cohort

This episode is different from any other format that we have ever done. This is from our inaugural Charter School Leadership Cohort where we discuss what has and has not worked to grow enrollment. We had nine incredible charter school leaders generously give their insights and experience.

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#24 BookShark | Janna Koch

Homeschool curriculum built for charter schools to increase engagement between students and their families and community.

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#22 Beth Napleton | Beth Napleton Consulting

Beth Napleton started in the classroom, started her own charter school network and is now "coachsulting" charter school leaders nationwide.

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#20 Mx. Samuel Gradess | Classical Charter Schools

Insights about the importance of coaching within education, having empathy for those we work with and walking in the shoes of others.

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#18 Mike Lally | East Point Academy

Mike tells his story while giving incredible insights in regards to building a school culture that spreads throughout the community. Plus, tips for Dual-Immersion learning.

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#16 David Wallace | Academy Charter

Does your school have an Art Director or Brand Strategist? In this conversation, David gives some great tips and tricks to build an art department without breaking the bank. Enjoy!

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#14 Karrlee Stratton | Carbon Valley Academy

Tips and tricks about how to expand into new markets using bus transportation and the importance of collaboration with other schools in the area.

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#12 Allison Voltaire | ASU Prep Digital

ASU Prep Digital is a thriving charter school that pursues core principals like curiosity and innovation. Allison shares the importance of including students, parents and staff in developing and growing.

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#10 David Robinson | School Lane Charter

David explains how to hire the right teachers and staff along with why the charter school world is an exciting place to be as an educator who wants to make a difference.

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#8 Erin Barnes | Epic Charter Schools

A fascinating story about how their hybrid program has shaped the lives of students in Oklahoma.


As an independent-study charter school, Excel Academy allows for parents and students to become active participants in their personalized learning model.


Emre Ozturk from Dove Virtual Academy shares insights into how to create connection while teaching students online.

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We discuss important topics like the power of language, anti-racism, community and unapologetically being who you are.


#39 Sovereign Insurance Group | Mark Hoffman

Join us on this episode to discuss the everything related to insurance in Charter Schools.

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#33 My2tor | Tina Wiles

Incredible insights from preparing students to succeed on tests and in life. The insights that Tina shares are priceless and can help any student gain confidence in themselves.

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#31 School Ops | Anders Lindgren

From starting a charter school at 22 years old to mentoring schools nation-wide, Anders Lindgren gives some incredible insights in this episode.

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Nadia Bennett from When Brown Girls Lead gives a unique perspective on race and gender equality in schools. Enjoy!

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#27 BuyQ | Daniel Casselli

In this episode, Daniel Casselli, President at BuyQ, gives great insights into how charter schools can save time and money with smart, group purchasing.

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#25 Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind | Michelle Tanner & Susan Patten

Thought-provoking insights in regards to educating students all across the state of Utah. The compassion and love that they radiate is contagious. Enjoy!

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#23 Academies of Math & Science | Erik Greenberg & Nate Lowry

How decision-making, failing quickly and teacher appreciation can take a school to the next level.

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#21 Dale Keshishian | HealthWorks Academies

Inspiring minority youth and girls to pursue careers in STEM fields by holding seminars and inviting guest speakers to schools with such students.

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#19 Conor Rogers & Trey Garbers | Trinity Basin Preparatory

Working within a charter school that fosters community, family and ideas. Trinity Basin Preparatory shares their insights.

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#17 Nicole Tredway | Paramount Charter

Nicole did not always believe in the charter program. All of that changed with an accidental interview with Paramount Charter School!

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#15 Bethany Chaffin | Friends of Willow Tree

We get to hear the story about how Willow Tree transitioned from a Waldorf Charter School to a non-profit Enrichment Center.

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#13 Kathryn Welch | Helix Charter High

Kathryn Welch, Assistant Athletic Director & Sports Medicine Teacher, speaks to how they built their athletics department around their "Why."

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#11 Brian Straka | New West Charter Hybrid

Students must feel connected on a deeper level for learning to take place. He gives unique and fun examples of activities from when he was a History Teacher and now as a Principal. 

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#9 Memry Bender | Elevate Collegiate

After learning the benefits of charter schools, she has taken on the huge challenge of growing a charter school for a community that needed a better form of education.


Stories about servicing a community that is often forgotten about. They take students with a troubled background and turn them into whole new people with a future.


Trinity Charter School doesn't give up on students that everyone has given up on. It was amazing to chat with them.

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Renée Edwards & Rabecca Cisneros shed light on how they are creating a unique early-college high school in West Jordan, UT.


Character above all else, the importance of educators in leadership, and her secret to building relationships with parents & students.

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© Charter Connect 2024

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